


Success of Users

Science and Patakara

Know yourself



This is a boy who has adenoids caused by his snaggletooth and long-term oral breathing. After improving his oral breathing habit, his adenoids condition improved.


Before: throat inflammation due to oral respiration

After: after 20 months of Patakara facial therapy. Symptons were alleviated due to corrected respiration (nasal).

Cephalogram before and after using Patakara

Solid lines: Before using Patakara

Dotted lines: After using Patakara for 20 months

Before using Patakara



1. Untidy Teeth

2. Nasal blockage

3. Swallowing difficulty

4. Unclear speech

5. Snoring

6. Easily catches cold

7. Humpback posture

After using for 20 months, changes in the cervical lines and facial bones can be seen clearly from the X-ray.

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